Wednesday, 12 January 2011

How to grow apples

As you plant, stake trees with a stout cane on the other side from the prevailing wind. This avoids damage to the roots by poking in the stake later.
Make sure your trees are well watered in their first year. If in pots, water twice a day in hot weather and put the pot on bricks so the water drains away.
Mulch deeply with farmyard manure around the tree roots in autumn and spring. In a pot, give a liquid feed (tomato feed is ideal) in late spring to early summer and again every week for about six weeks through summer. Reduce to once a month until the tree sheds leaves.
You must thin your apples. Most varieties give you a cluster of fruit around each spur. Remove the king apple - the biggest, central fruit after the June drop, when the tree naturally thins itself. This gives you better, bigger, healthier apples.
Prune back lateral branches to four buds at the end of July or beginning of August. Hard prune in winter (pictured above) and take out any diseased branches.

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